Points To Keep In Mind Regarding Dream Analysis


Dreams are one of the most important common features of mankind. Everyone dreams, whether consciously or unconsciously. These dreams, which have been seen by humans since the first day of our existence, have also contributed to the invention of different dream analysis techniques.

Generally, dream analysis techniques contain different styles. While some people only interpret the symbols seen in the dream, some prefer looking from a wider perspective and analyzing the dream together with the subjects such as the lifestyle or the mental state of the person who has had the dream. Freud, undoubtedly the first name that comes to mind when we say dreams, says that it is wrong to make a generalization about dreams. Because he claims that dreams are directly related to the lifestyle, subconscious, and the characteristic of the person. In our day, dream analysis is used as both in therapy sessions and as a fortune-telling method.

Now, let’s drop the science for a bit and focus on the questions such as “How to make dream analysis?”, “On what grounds are dreams interpreted?” and discover the main points that should be kept in mind when analyzing dreams.

How To Make Dream Analysis?

There are certain strategies in dream analysis. You can use these to analyze your own or someone else’s dreams and to interpret the messages delivered by the subconscious.

  1. Discover The Symbolic Language Of Dreams

In dreams, objects that we commonly see or use in daily life can be seen. These can be cars, houses, water just to name a few, or something entirely different. The important point to understand at this point is that these daily objects we see in our dreams do not carry the same meaning as in real life. For this reason, you might want to look up the most common symbols that are seen in dreams, along with their hidden meanings. For starters, you can read our “Common Symbols and Situations In Dreams & Their Meanings” article. 

  1. Focus On The People Seen In Dreams

Many people can be seen in dreams, both known and unknown. These people are usually the reflections of people you know and interact in your daily life. At this point, you should take care to notice the characteristics of these people in your dreams. For instance, an authority figure seen in a dream might symbolize someone who affected you deeply in real life and wants to control or manipulate you.

  1. Analyze The Emotions Felt In Dreams

Most of the emotions felt in dreams are connected to the real world. If you are running away from an object or a person in your dream, this can be connected to a certain situation that you are trying to avoid in real life. For this reason, it is very important to understand the emotions felt in dreams correctly and analyze them together with the real situations you are going through in life.

  1. Interpret The Location In Dream

Dreams take place in countless different places. These places can be familiar, just like they can be locations with surrealistic details that you have never even heard. The point that needs to be paid attention is whether there are people inside these places or not. If so, what are their purpose or common ground? Because places sometimes are used by the subconscious with the purpose of grouping or categorizing people in your life. For instance, people you equally care about may be located in the same room in one of your dreams. So, pay attention.

  1. Remember The Exaggerations Of Objects

Objects in dream can be different from objects in real life, such as exaggeratedly large, small, thin, or thick than they are supposed to be. These exaggerations can very well be connected with a situation from real life. For example, a very long object can signify a long journey ahead in real life.

  1. Notice The Beginning And The End Of Dreams

The point where the dream begins and the direction it progresses into is also very important. As a matter of fact, sometimes people can see themselves waiting in a certain place for an incredibly long amount of time in their dreams. These waiting points symbolize the stages of reflection and evaluation in real life. The things that you ponder about in real life, or the crossroads you hit in life can be reflected in your dreams. Furthermore, you can also keep a pen and notebook at your bedside to be able to interpret your dreams correctly. This way when you wake up, you can immediately take note of all the details you remember and start analyzing your dream by considering the points above.
So, try to keep them in mind next time you are having a dream!

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