Numerology And Everything About It: What Do The Numbers Tell Us?


Have you ever thought about making use of numbers to make sense of certain situations in life, rather than only using them to make mathematical calculations? At some points in their lives, everyone goes through certain phases that they can’t really quite explain. Some of these phases force us to look for alternative solutions and discover new things. Well, one of the methods that can be used in this journey of discovery is numerology!

But, what does numerology exactly mean? Where does it come from? You can discover right away by continuing to read the article. 

First Things First, What Is Numerology? 

We can say that numerology is simply foretelling prophecies about people’s lives, accompanied by certain calculations which are done by giving meaning to letters and numbers. Numerology suggests that every letter and number has a meaning within the universe and also are connected with the planets. 

According to numerology, the date of birth of every person gains significance when combined with their names and surnames. The numbers within these kinds of basic information belonging to the people are interpreted by using various methods, and the secret codes of their fates are deciphered. 

It is known that the root of numerology dates back to ancient times and the foundation of this system was created by the famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras. So much so that the number 22, which has great importance in numerology, was also given great importance by Pythagoras as well. 

How Does The Numerological System Work?

In numerological system, the numbers from 1 to 9 are given various meanings. On top of these numbers, there are also the numbers 11 and 22, which are known as “master numbers”. The meanings of these numbers are fixed, they do not change. 

So, how is numerology analysis done?

Calculation by date of birth is done as follows:

Let’s say your date of birth is 01/03/1985. 




1+3+5=9 is the numerological value. If you find the numbers 11 or 22 as a result of this calculation, you should never add these numbers together as they are considered master numbers. 

After finding out the numerological values, you need to know what these numbers mean as well. If you want the answer to “What do the numbers mean in the numerological system?”, keep reading! 

Meanings of Numbers in Numerology 

1: Means independence, creativity, ego. It also refers to a self-sufficient, leader-spirited person. 

2: Means hypersensitivity, intuitive ability, peace-loving. It is also interpreted as someone who has a loving and critical point of view. 

3: Means social, friendly, artistic inclination, and optimism. It means extroverts and fun-loving people. 

4: Means practicality, strength, hard work. It can also mean as a sincere and good-hearted friend.

5: Means freedom, wandering, variability, and adaptability. Also a courageous person with high persuasiveness. 

6: Means love, responsibility, intrusiveness, and jealousy. It can also refer to personality traits such as warm, protective and happy.

7: Means intelligence, secrecy, and oppressionism. It can also mean personality traits such as mutable, unusual, and thoughtful. 

8: Means a ruler spirit, power, and justice. It can also refer to determined and strong people. 

9: Means humanism, romance, compassion, and sensitivity. It can also be interpreted as a person who is fond of comfort and has a high ability to express themselves. 

11: Means sensitivity and intuitiveness. Also refers to a predictive and imaginative personality. 22: Means material superiority, wealth, and idealism. It is also the symbol of strong and focused individuals with a purpose.

What Is Numerology Good For?

Numerology is useful to make estimations and predictions about people’s lives and fates. Moreover, it has a positive effect on people by answering the questions in their minds.

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